MIGS – the Death of Filtration Surgery?
During the FEOph Symposium taking place on 11 May 2019 in Paris at the 125th SFO Congress junior speakers from France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain were holding lectures with focus on “MIGS“. The presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion with five experts from these countries discussing the different national approaches and strategies. The roundtable discussion was chaired by Jean-Marie Giraud. The Senior Delegates Panel consisted of Keith Barton (United Kingdom), Thomas Klink (Germany), Marco Nardi (Italy) and M. A. Teus (Spain). A Synopsis on this discussion will be published soon.
The Junior titles were as follows:
Dr. Bettina Hohberger (Germany): MIGS – what do we know about Xen gel stents? – awarded as best presentation
Dr. J.R. Fenolland (France): Phaco MIGS combined surgery: when and what to expect?
Dr. Chiara Posarelli (Italy): New trends in Glaucoma Surgery
Dr. M. Rahal (Spain): Drainage system evaluation after non-perforating deep sclerotomy using anterior segment OCT
Dr. Yih-Horng Tham (United Kingdom): Glaucoma Surgery Training with Cost Effective Dry lab models; and how to build them