FEOph Symposium SOI 2023, Rome

This year’s symposium took place on Saturday morning, 25th November 2023, under the title “Anaesthesia, Antibiotics, Anti-Inflammatory in
Ophthalmic Surgery” 
in the plenary hall (Auditorium Cavlieri). The symposium was presided by Dr. Piovella who gave a short introduction.

Presidenti / Presidents: W. Aclimandos , M. Piovella
Moderatori / Moderators: C. Arndt , S. Garcia Delpech

M. Piovella

The solution to prevent intravitreal DEX migration into the anterior chamber
M. Larranaga Cores – Spain

DMEK and Pain: what to do?
J. Rahul – Germany

Anaesthesia, Antibiotics and Anti-inflammatory Drugs: Clinical Management of Cataract Surgery
A. Russo – Italy

Epidemiology of Acute Endophthalmitis after Intraocular Procedure: A Database Study
I. Ben Ghezala – France

Time-Motion Study to Assess Operating Room Productivity on Waiting Lists in the National Health Service: Immediate Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery versus Delayed Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery
K. Naderi – UK

Roundtable Discussion

S. Garcia-Delpech , W. Aclimandos , M. Piovella

Panel of Seniors:          
C. Arndt (France), M. Matthaei (Germany), C. Lavin-Dapena (Spain), C. Leak (UK), M. Piovella (Italy)

A synopsis will be written and published here in due course of time.
