This symposium was held on Sunday, May 7th 2023 starting at 8 a.m. Its title will be Neuro-ophthalmology: What not to miss? At the 129th SFO Congress junior speakers from France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain will give their lectures followed by a roundtable discussion.
Please find below the contributions of the junior speakers:
Neuroophtalmics mimics of glaucoma
V. Shah (London, United Kingdom)
A stepwise Algorithm for differentiating arteritic from non arteritic AION
M. El-Jade (Mainz, Germany)
Use of artificial iintelligence to optimize the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases through the eye
A. Pueyo-Bestue (Saragossa, Spain)
Macular morpho-functional impairment in multiple sclerosis
L. Barbano (Rome, Italy)
What not to miss in Nystagmus
V. Smirnov (Lille, France)
As the best presentation was elected “A stepwise Algorithm for differentiating arteritic from non arteritic AION” given by Dr. Mohamed El-Jade.
Roundtable discussion following the Junior Speeches
Please refer to the synopsis of the roundtable discussion for more information.
PFAS Restriction Proposal – Public Comment Phase
The issue of the restrictions of PFAS and the statement of DOG and Euretina were discussed during the Business Meeting. It was agreed that FEOph will issue a respective statement. It was handed in on May 25th, 2023 at the European Chemicals Agency ECHA.