FEOph Symposium SOI 2016, Rome

The role and responsibility of the anesthesiologist in cataract surgery management: Indications and the real world
FEOph Symposium and Roundtable Discussion
Romne, November 2016

All presentations as well as the roundtable discussion can be found at this link . The roundtable discussion is followed by an open-mind talk of panelists on how to oppose to the immoderate antibiotic pollution in our practice.
Simposio FEOph – Ruolo e responsabilità dell`anestesista nella gestione della chirurgia della cataratta: cinque Paesi europei a confronto

FEOph Symposium –
Presidente/President: M. Piovella
Moderatori/Moderators: W. Aclimandos, P.E. Gallenga, S. Garcia-Delpech

Safety of cataract surgery under topical anesthesia without preoperative anesthesia consult
A. De Lazzer – France

Anaesthesia for cataract surgery – a German perspective
T. Neß – Germany

Obligatoriness of anesthesiologist during cataract surgery
L. Mele – Italy

Cataract & anesthesia in Spain
G. Hernández – Spain

Local anaesthesia for cataract surgery
L. Lai – United Kingdom

Round Table – Role and responsibility of the anesthesiologist in cataract surgery management: the five European countries: indications and the real world
Discussion: W. Aclimandos (UK), M. Coppola (Italy), S. García-Delpech (Spain), L. Hoffart (France), T. Neß (Germany), P. Troiano (Italy)
