FEOph Symposium DOG 2021, Berlin

During the FEOph Symposium, which took place online on the Conference Saturday, junior speakers from France, Italy, Spain and Germany gave lectures with focus on the session’s topic. This year the FEOph Symposium was titled: Gene Therapy: Fact or Fiction? The presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion with experts from these countries who will discuss the different national approaches and strategies.

Details of the Programme:

Novel engineered vectors for intravitreal gene therapy of retinal disorders
Sabrina Babutzka (Munich/Germany)

Endpoints and Outcome measures in retinal gene therapy trials
Vasily Smirnov (Lille/France)

Patient selection for RPE65-gene therapy: lights and shadows
Dario Pasquale Mucciolo (Florence/Italy)

Usefulness of simulation in the implementation of advanced therapies in ophthalmology
Marina Barraso Rodrigo (Barcelona/Spain)

The lecture of Dr. Mucciolo from Italy was awarded as the best presentation.

The roundtable discussion following was chaired by Prof. Dr. Katarina Stingl (Tübingen/DOG).

Further participants were Prof. Dr. Isabelle Audo for the SFO (Paris), Dr. Andrea Sodi for the SOI (Florence) and Dr. Jaume Català Mora for the SEO (Barcelona).
