FEOph Symposium SFO 2016, Paris

Antibiotic prophylaxis related to intravitreal injection and cataract
FEOph Symposium and Roundtable Discussion

Paris, May 7, 2016

During the FEOph Symposium, junior speakers from France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain were holding lectures with focus on Antibiotic prophylaxis related to intravitreal injection and cataract. The presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion with five experts from these countries who discussed the different national approaches and strategies.

The roundtable discussion was chaired by Isabelle Cochereau (France). The panel consisted of Thomas Ness (Germany), Edward Pringle (Lyon/France), Domenico Boccuzzi (Italy).

The best presentation award was given to Gordon Bowler (London) for his presentation “Experience of intravitreal injection related endophthalmitis monitoring in South East London”.
